Charity at Christmas 2022

Fundraiser for the Oxford Childrens Hospital and collections for An Angel of Gracie Charity.

As you know this year is not a year to get everything you WANT. This is the year to appreciate everything you HAVE.

The Oxford Children’s Hospital is a very special place indeed. Built around the needs of children and their families, with all the clinical areas grouped together under one roof, it is bright and happy with indoor and outdoor play areas, sensory rooms, and even a school.

What you may not know is that there wouldn’t be a children’s hospital in Oxford without charitable support.

All the little babies, toddlers and teens who are unfortunate to be in the AMAZING hospital, we would like to make it a little more special for the children suffering and as a company we decided this year we did not want to receive our gifts from the company we would all like to donate the money to Oxford Children s Hospital and then a very generous client of ours would double the amount we have raised.

As you can see for above we managed to raise a WHOPPING £1090 and ATA Logistics doubled this so a total of £2,180 was donated.

We couldnt be more proud for being able to donate this amount.

On the side we had a collections box in the reception at Didcot Auto Centre and in this collection box we managed to collect all brand new gifts for children and families who are in or been through palliative care. There was baby clothes, Baby toys, Teenage gifts and much more. The charity we chose was An Angel of Gracie charity- here is a little bit about what they do. The founders of this charity lost their beautiful little girl and decided to help others who are going through the same thing. The Angel of Gracie charity and the amazing things they do. They support palliative children- with grants to help with being able to get the children home, or by helping support end of life care. They also help bereaved families support at a very difficult time in their lives.

All donations go towards supporting palliative care for children and bereaved families. Donations

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